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别名: 星语心愿之再爱


“洋葱头”升级暖男学霸(王传君 饰),“秋男”晋升霸气师姐(董维嘉 饰),你也许会猜中开头,但你永远猜不到结局。 情未了,爱难追。连一个拥抱都无法给与,我却是这世上最爱你的那一个;就算命运一定要让我们生死相隔,我也要找到一种方式回到你身旁守护你……  展开全部


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  • 2023 2.0
  • 2020 1.0



  • 2022 10.0



  • 2022 3.0



  • 1919 2.0


    Two differences between this Austrian version and the generally available American version are immediately obvious they differ both in their length and in the language of the intertitles. The American version is only 1,883 metres long - at 18 frames per second a difference of some 7 minutes to the Austrian version with 2,045 metres. Whereas we originally presumed only a negligible difference, resulting from the varying length of the intertitles, a direct comparison has nevertheless shown that the Austrian version differs from the American version both in the montage and in the duration of individual scenes. Yet how could it happen that the later regional distribution of a canonical US silent film was longer than the original version  The prevalent American version of Blind Husbands does not correspond to the version shown at the premiere of 1919. This little-known fact was already published by Richard Koszarski in 1983. The film was re-released by Universal Pictures in 1924, in a version that was 1,365 feet (416 metres) shorter. At 18 frames per second, this amounts to a time difference of 20 minutes! Titles were altered, snippets of action removed and at least one major scene taken out entirely, where von Steuben and Margaret visit a small local chapel. (Koszarski)  From the present state of research we can assume that all the known American copies of the film derive from this shortened re-release version, a copy of which Universal donated to the Museum of Modern Art in 1941. According to Koszarski the original negative of the film was destroyed sometime between 1956 and 1961 and has therefore been irretrievably lost. This information casts an interesting light on the Austrian version, which can be dated to the period between the summer of 1921 and the winter of 1922. Furthermore, the copy is some 200 metres longer than the US version of 1924. If one follows the details given by Richard Koszarski and Arthur Lennig, this means that, as far as both its date and its length are concerned, the Austrian version lies almost exactly in the middle between the (lost) version shown at the premiere and the re-released one.A large part of the additional length of the film can be traced to cuts that were made to the 1924 version in almost every shot. Koszarski describes how the beginning and the end of scenes were trimmed, in order to speed up the film. However, more exciting was the discovery that the Austrian version contains shots that are missing in the American one - shotscountershots, intertitles - and furthermore shows differences in its montage (i.e. the placing of the individual shots within a sequence). All this indicates that Die Rache der Berge constitutes the oldest and most completely preserved material of the film.

  • 1981 6.0


    Catholicism entered Korea in 1784. Lee Seung-hun spreads the words with the brothers of Jung Yak-jong and Jung Yak-yong. The religion is used as an impetus for dispute between political parties so it becomes persecuted. During the Sin-yu Persecution, Ha-sang and Jung-eun avoid torture and surveillance and gather the parishioners, expanding the church's power. Lee Hang-ju, the i...

  • 2023 8.0


    故事主要讲述了津海市国安局侦察科科长高天阳(韩庚 饰)发现境外情报组织“夜雾”开发了一款名叫“特工任务”的游戏,他们利用玩家在未知情况下暗中开展间谍活动,甚至与高天阳一起长大的弟弟黄子诚(魏大勋 饰)竟也深陷特工游戏之中。黄子诚在游戏的过程中,邂逅了搭档姚瑶(李一桐 饰),两人共同度过一段游戏之旅。正当黄子诚情愫渐生之时,意外发现自己和姚瑶的偶遇,或许并不是一场巧合······游戏的残酷性,一步步显现在众人的面前。高天阳与潜伏在特工游戏中的情报人员吴熙(周放 饰)互相配合,想要破获间谍组织的秘密。误入迷局的游戏玩家该如何脱身?国安人员又将如何逐步粉碎间谍组织的阴谋?

  • 2023 9.0
  • 2005 9.0



  • 2022 5.0

    2022世界杯小组赛H组第1轮 乌拉圭VS韩国

    11月24日 2022世界杯小组赛H组第1轮 乌拉圭VS韩国

  • 2015 10.0


    麦克白将军(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)是苏格兰国王邓肯(大卫·休里斯 David Thewlis 饰)的表弟,在外抵御外敌平反谋乱,战功赫赫,某日归国途中,遇见了三个女巫,女巫预言麦克白将会加官进爵,此言令麦克白心中蠢蠢欲动。然而,最终将要继承王位的,却是班柯将军(帕迪·康斯戴恩 Paddy Considine 饰)的儿子。  在妻子(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)的怂恿之下,麦克白杀死了国王,登上了王座,为了保住王位和弑君的秘密,麦克白的双手沾满了鲜血,班柯将军、麦克德夫夫人(伊丽莎白·德比齐 Elizabeth Debicki 饰)和她的孩子均死在了麦克白的屠刀之下,而麦克白亦在疯狂的道路上渐行渐远。

  • 2012 1.0
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